This is getting CRAZY!

“We can do no great things, only small things with great love” Mother Teresa

I wanted to take a minute to share our heart on why and how we came to be so passionate about the trafficking of little girls and boys into brothels. I have known for as long as I can remember that this was going on in Thailand not the details but the big picture. It was something I just ignored like when you change the channel on the starving kids in Africa advertisements, I would say awe that’s sad and move on. I wanted to care enough to see myself as “caring and compassionate” but not enough to do something or inconvenience myself in any real or tangible way. The problem was I started to read my Bible…. A clear theme began to emerge Faith and love were always attached to an action. Jesus told Peter “do you love me” after peter responded yes he said “then feed my sheep” love = action. So it began to become clear that when I felt sad for these people it wasn’t enough, If  the love of God is in me then it has to come out in an action, so we began to give money to organizations that fight human trafficking in Thailand, and when we did we naturally cared more and researched more and learned story’s! God is not interested in our money, or even our talents or time. He wants to change our hearts and in the process of reaching out to others and living out our faith for real, it slowly changes us from spectator to player! It’s life changing for the giver and the receiver!

Thirteen rescues this week! Wow just take a moment to let it soak in, in one weeks time 13 girls have the chance to get hope for the first time in a long time, its a stark reminder of why we are going to do this. It’s also a reminder if you are giving towards it this is the why, as these 13 girls are told about Jesus and His love and Grace for them, as they experience his loving forgiveness the world will change. We have to remind ourselves of this all the time sometimes daily when you get into the details and discouragements that come with becoming overseas missionary’s we need to constantly remind ourselves why we are doing this. It is to see people set free in every meaning of the word free. When we hear the story’s of the recent graduating class of girls and the life change that the workers have seen in them from when they came in until now is incredible! I want to encourage you that if you are reading this blog and following us, why? Does it break your heart? Are you moved by the story’s? Is if so we want to encourage you to give, to us or to others fighting trafficking. Advocate, volunteer but please if you find an interest in your heart and if you are bothered by the thought of children in brothels you must do something!

We have to be out of our house by September 1st. There is still a lot to do, a lot to be raised, and a lot of prayers to be said. We though, everyday thank Him for all the progress made! We are almost 45% monthly funded so we can live and work there! How awesome!! Right now our next step that we need to do as soon as we can is buy plane tickets! The awesome thing is that we received an email saying our ticket prices have dropped over 200 per ticket and it’s a good airline! Only God can do this! So, this is where we need everyone’s help! No matter what the dollar amount! We have to raise $5000.00 for tickets… we have already raised $2800.00! We only need to raise $2,200! We are praying that the tickets do not jump up in price! If you feel compelled to give please do so right here on our site by clicking the donate button! We know He is using others to complete His mission..all around the world! Thank you all for standing with us, and being a part of something bigger than ourselves!! Grateful doesn’t begin to explain it!

In His Grip
Samm & Angie

Grab your Guns!

I recently heard about Jesse James and the James Younger gang and found an interesting local connection. The gang had been stealing from people for years in Missouri, trains banks rich people in their houses they would ride into town, seven strangers with guns, they would go to the bank and in broad daylight and rob the bank by force and leave before a posse could be assembled. They tried that once in Minnesota and learned a valuable lesson about Minnesotans, you see where people in other cities waited until the sheriff or someone official came to organize a resistance the residents of Northfield without a seconds thought ran for their guns and ran to the bank to stop the bank robbers not thinking about the fact that there are seven armed and seasoned fighters there, each person just went. Only two people from Jesse James gang made it out of Minnesota alive. The parallel’s for today are many. The truth is when most people hear that children are being sold into slavery and being raped for money it is too easy to assume someone else will do something, of course when we do that just as in the wild west, the bad guys win. But as it was then so it is now, its not good enough to think about helping you actually need to DO something! People are calling us and texting us asking us what they can do to help they don’t say its too much for one person to do they just say “what can I do?” and as we all do that, we can stop the evil right now right were it is.
As requested we will have set up a progress bar that we will update often showing in dollars and in a visual how close we are to our goal as more and more people step up and join God in what he is doing here. Our goal to raise is 16,500 which includes plane tickets and transportation visa’s, work permits, a moped to get around and things like beds and sheets for when we are there. The first thing people think when they hear the number is I can’t help with that but just as Jesse James learned in that bank while he was outnumbered and outgunned all that has to happen is everyone has to do what they can to stop the evil. We are constantly humbled by all the help and love we have received, our first donation was from a single mom before we ever asked for money she said here I know you will need this, wow she gets it. If God is moving your heart I ask that you would give as he leads and as you do, we will celebrate together as God fills in the rest. So far we have raised about $3000 towards”to go” fund and we are already are 37% monthly funded by people who are willing to give sacrificially! AWESOME! We will be out of our house by September 1, so please be praying that we will be fully funded and ready to go! We got Tessa’s passport ready and now are in the process of applying for work visas and we are stoked! Thanks so much for being a part of this, for praying for us and supporting this vision that God has given us to end this horrible thing now.

What area in your life have you wondered where God wants to use you? There is something that you were created for. He has a purpose and a plan, we hear that so much we don’t believe it or begin to ask what it could be! I challenge you to take tiny baby steps of faith…and see how He will bless it!

In his grip
Samm and Angie

p.s. The easiest way for us to keep track and process your giving is the donate button on this page or as always you may contact us and we can process any type of request.

Miracles along the way…

This last week has been incredibly successful! We have been raising support to go, raising monthly support and creating awareness about what’s happening through Destiny Rescue! We wanted to update you all on a few things!

So far we have raised $2,356 toward our “To Go” budget! Praise God! We were able to get Tessa’s passport this week! Thank you! We are excited to purchase our plane tickets and work visas, and we are approximately $6,000 from being able to do that! This is the first goal we need to meet. If we look at all of this with our natural eyes, it’s IMPOSSIBLE. NUTS!! We simply cannot use our natural eyes. We have to see God behind every miracle. We know that our God starts just as the roadblock of impossible is in view…

Speaking of impossible… in just three days, we went from not a single monthly sponsor to being 25% the way funded! FOR REAL!!! How awesome is HE? Even our kids are getting to see God work! Eli had tears in his eyes when I was telling him how God is working!
Not to say there aren’t days that we are soaked in fear, treading water… even then He is faithful when we are not.

When a need is presented before us, we usually think one of two things: 1) My measly amount won’t help, OR 2) we say “Someone else will pay that.”

Those are lies. It’s simply not true. With any need, it is a tool that changes lives all around the globe. When the hungry are fed, the sick get medical care, the homeless find shelter, it’s all because someone sowed into it. We don’t have some rich uncle (not that we know of anyways). It just takes many doing what they can. It takes people sowing in faith.

Our first donor was a single mom of three. She had just moved across the country, and she had no job or no home to call her own. She handed me a hundred dollar bill. I knew in that moment she was giving out of her need, not out of her abundance. Tears came to both of us. We knew God was doing something in our hearts.

The next several donors were two more single moms. The next, a woman that called us and wanted to support us monthly. Even though her husband isn’t a believer in Jesus — they both believe in the mission! On Friday night, a bunch of elementary kids made silly bands to sell, and they made $167 and donated it all to us! We have been blown away already. We have seen that we don’t look to people to provide, but to our God, who moves the people’s hearts.

Everyday we are humbled. It’s hard to receive a gift, knowing we cannot repay it. What we can do is live out our calling as you live out yours. As we do, we are praying blessing over each one of you.

Thank you to those who have already committed to us and given to us. To those we know are praying daily for us, it is everything to walk with people that want to make Jesus known in every heart. We cannot wait to see how He is going to orchestrate the rest of our journey and show off His glory. Let all of our faith be strengthened!!

In His grip,
Samm & Angie