Necessary Ductwork

Being very honest and transparent, writing this post is more challenging than other posts I’ve written. Even other fundraising posts. Because this time, what we are asking for is funding for foundation building and restoration so that we can go the long road here.

When you renovate a house, you want your dollars to go to the fun stuff you end up using and seeing every day: the hardwood floors, the fancy new appliances, the patio furniture. But sometimes more of the budget is eaten up by the stuff you won’t even see, but is necessary, like replacing the ductwork. If you’re like me ductwork is not what I want to spend my time or money on, but I know its 100% necessary.

Writing posts to raise funds, like this one, kind of feels like that. What we are asking you to invest in is the ductwork. Samm and I choose to work “jobs” that don’t give us a paycheck. And we rely on all of you, to essentially share some of your paycheck with us, to fund us to be able to do what we do. The big and fun things to share about in our work is like the new appliances… the number of girls being rescued! Or like the new furniture… girls finding meaningful jobs after going through the SOAR program in the future! Those are absolutely fun and celebratory moments! And truly the end goal of your partnering with us financially is toward those achievements.

But your partnering also funds the ductwork… the essentials of life, like toilet paper and dentist visits and car repairs. It’s funding our ability to stay in this long term, and we are in need of a break right now. Life in Thailand is an adventure for sure; but just like your life, it is life. Highs and lows. Kids fighting and snuggling. Samm & I fasting together in prayer seeking Jesus, and getting on each other’s nerves. Seasons of intense nose to the grindstone working, and seasons of rejuvenation, reconnecting, and preparing for what’s to come.

What’s to come is big. So big. We feel it so deeply. But first, the ductwork. Will you partner with us in the ductwork? Will you invest in our crazy ole family to take a deep breath and fill up before we embark on a season of crazy pouring out? If it’s on your heart to give towards that here are some of our immediate needs. Would you pray about fulfilling one, or partnering monthly for the next year or even beyond? We are so grateful to partner with YOU to go and do the thing that God has asked us to do.

Plane tickets: $1200

Down payment on living arrangements $2000

Purchasing some vehicle and insurance $4000

Set up costs. Ie. beds, dishes,  $2000

Whatever you can partner with is meeting the smaller daily needs, our next season of ministry, and ultimately the gleaming hardwood floors: girls who have been freed from exploitation, living life in relationship with Jesus, thriving, full, happy, and with a good future ahead of them.

Thank you for being a part of the solution, CHOOSING not to sit on the side lines hearing the sad stories and saying “ah man that’s so bad someone should do something about that”

Thank you for DOING something about it.

Can’t thank you all enough.

Big Hugs from the Platts.

To Donate: