How Do you eat an Elephant?

A. One bite at a time. So that is exactly our mindset when having to raise 35,000 in four months! People are constantly saying they think God will be giving us more than we need. That’s all fine and great but unless God provides a money tree, (which I know, I know He can do) we need His people to be the vessel to do so. We will periodically let you know what we are up to and how much we have raised thus far. We are almost at 2,000 dollars! YAY GOD! This is just from getting the word out there! No fundraising or letters yet! WE know that God has this perfectly planned out! Our goal was to raise enough to get passports and visas done. Goal met! Next goal is to get our $500.00 deposit  to YWAM. If you can help and God is prompting you we are asking that you be a part of this awesomeness which is Gods hand. All of the applications stuff is almost done and now we  just need to get up to date on our vaccinations. Things you could be praying for, as some of you have wanted specifics.

1. Covering. Our good friends/mentors will be meeting us every other week to pray and cover us in this. Please do the same. We have been slammed by the devil, and we just keep getting back up. Platt’s are no wimps!

2. Asking you pray that our family gets on board with this and helps support us in this. …we would just like peace in this area.

3. Changing more people’s lives!!! I LOVE that God is changing people we don’t even know and growing their faith through us and we havent even left yet! He is mighty to save!! We can’t stop talking about God, wherever we go God has been having us open our mouths and speak truth to people. We have invited many people to come check out this Jesus we talk about. The whole reason we are doing this is to change souls destinations.

Thank you for reposting this and sharing with all your friends and family!

In His Grip

Samm and Angie

Ps. woke up to read 2 Cor 6:9 I reminded God of His promises…you should to.

He just keeps surprising us!

Hey all!

       We are excited to share with you all that He has been doing in our hearts and lives this week. There is NO doubt He wants us to go and help change the hearts of families in New Zealand. We are so excited and humbled He is using us to do this.

First Samm and I have been reading and praying every single night before we go to bed and in that time we have grown a lot already. Samm was praying and I heard God say to my spirit, ” Act as though you already have all the money in the bank”. puzzled I thought “well we would be getting airline tickets and Passports and luggage and…”  I heard ” No you need to be preparing your heart and mind for this…do NOT wait until you have the money, it will be too late to prepare yourself. Do it now.” I was SO convicted of this. Samm and I both said that we would be acting as though the money was already there…becasue to God it is.

 Second. Our house is still for sale. We have had confidence that it would sell before we were to go. A good friend called me yesterday and said she has only ever heard God one other time and that was to go to church..(pretty good advise if you ask me) and she clearly heard God say they were supposed to buy our house!!! What!? Wow God you really are working out the details. So I ask all of you to pray for all the details to work out in His timing. We already have felt all of your prayers and has brought us great peace. So thank you. Please search your hearts and see what you should give to this…it takes a lot of money to do His work that is just a fact.

Some of our good friends will be hosting a fundraiser. YOU do NOT want to miss this!! It’s going to be awesome! Please pray all the details would be working out with that too. Pray that we have favor in this arena. More details will be coming.

In His grip,

Samm & Angie

An Angel in the form of a teenager??

So a few weeks ago Samm and I were talking about how awesome it would be to have someone help us at the airport with all the luggage and kids. Then to have another hand to help us on the plane ride. We thought through a couple of names out there and no one was really a good fit. Besides who the heck would want to ride on a plane for 20 hours then literally turn around and fly 20 MORE hours? Not to mention for like $2000!? Hehe God is so good.

So we got an email this week from a family that we really admire. They used to go to our church then moved away so we don’t get to see them often. The mom wrote me a super nice email offering her almost seventeen year old daughter up for our nanny while we are in New Zealand!!!!! She would raise her own support and be another set of eyes and hands. I was having a particularly hard day that day until that moment when I cried my eyes out in complete disbelief! Here are the two things that came to mind.

1. Who are we that HE is mindful of us? I mean really He knows my stress about that darn plane ride…everyone does! He also knows I’m stressed about being in school and leaving my kids for six hours a day with total strangers, I have never really left them. Let a lone in a foreign country! I was SO thrilled because my boys already know her!

2. We didn’t even have to pray about this.  He already knew what we wanted. He knew the solution. “Your Father who knows what you need before you ask” (Matthew 6:8) He knew what you would need before you knew you needed it.  Not just in terms of rent money, an encouraging word or an important relationship, but also with regards to your eternal life.  While you were still a sinner, stuck in dozens or even hundreds of sins and even before you were born, Jesus came to the earth and paid the full price for your redemption.  He was not disinterested or passive, He is not like that.  He knew what He wanted and what we needed, so He did everything before hand because we could not have done anything for ourselves.

So we now have ourselves a teenager in the form of an angel who by the way has MANY siblings so she has a lot of experience with this sort of thing!

Our hearts are just SO excited for what He is doing. He IS alive and MOVING in the hearts of His people.

Thanks for reading! Samm and Angie

He who provides…

Everyday we try to do at least one thing to get us ready to leave. This week we have done a lot. We have set up an account for all the money you peeps donate to go into. Sent our applications in. Got all the forms out to where they need to go. Got our passport info ready to be mailed. Yikes passports are expensive! All the while we are in constant prayer that God shows up.

We like you probably have never had to take this giant step of faith. All day the devil messes with our heads. I am gonna be real with you all, this blog is about our journey the good and the bad. We are constantly asking God to show up. This week we prayed that the 600.00 we need for passports come in. It’s an incredible feeling to be relying solely on the father. He is soo good to us, and we all say that but He really is! I have been dealing with the letting go of this comforts, my friends, my business. Asking God what if I don’t like it? Being with my husband 24/7? Um really? Don’t get me wrong I adore him. However we have never had to do that in 14 years! We have been reading The Blessed Life which is way good. I ran over some scripture I’d like to share.

“The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” (Prov. 11:25)

Why am I worrying again? Why are you worrying? Either Jesus is who He says he is and we must believe ALL of what he says to us..or He’s not and the whole thing is a crap shoot. Right? So I read a lot about His provision today, it’s amazing to me how he encourages us just by reading His word. I felt 100% confident that he is going to provide for us. Until tomorrow when I start to get doubts and have to go back to His word once again. Anyways that’s all for now. Thanks for reading. Hope you were encouraged too!
